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Contact Center Artificial Intelligence

Embracing AI for Excellence

The contact center landscape is rapidly evolving, with AI leading the charge. Companies are leveraging AI to enhance customer experiences, optimize operational efficiency, and stay competitive. The ability to provide instant, accurate, and personalized responses through AI-driven solutions is no longer a luxury—it's a necessity in today’s market.

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Contact Center agnostic platform solutions lead the way, providing businesses with the ability to automate customer interactions across multiple channels, including voice, chat, and messaging apps.

MYRIAD specializes in helping businesses implement cutting-edge AI technologies to improve Average Handle Times, increase call containment, and boost overall customer satisfaction. we can help you assess your needs and implement the most suitable solutions for your contact center.

Conversational AI

A technology that enables machines to engage in natural, human-like conversations with users. Leveraging advancements in natural language processing (NLP), machine learning, and speech recognition, it can understand and respond to customer queries in real-time. Conversational AI is redefining customer interactions, offering seamless and intelligent conversations that can handle complex queries, reduce wait times, and improve customer satisfaction.


Conversational AI can handle up to 70% of customer interactions without human intervention, drastically reducing wait times and improving first-response rates by up to 90%.


Over 80% of executives have reported improvement in customer satisfaction and overall Contact Center performance after implementing Conversational AI.


By automating routine inquiries, companies can reduce their customer service costs by up to 30%, allowing them to allocate resources more efficiently while maintaining high service levels.


During peak times, AI can scale effortlessly, handling up to 3x the normal volume of inquiries without compromising response quality, ensuring consistent service delivery.

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Conversational AI interprets the intent behind customer inquiries, processes the information, and delivers relevant responses.

Whether you’re curious about the latest trends or ready to deploy AI in your contact center, we can help you assess your needs and implement the most suitable solutions for your contact center.

Generative AI

Focuses on enhancing agent performance through detailed analysis and feedback, making it ideal for improving human agent efficiency and effectiveness. Harness the power of Generative AI to transcribe and analyze customer interactions, providing actionable insights to improve agent performance and customer satisfaction.



Higher Agent Productivity


Improved deflection to


Improved customer effort scores

1 in 6 
Contact Centers have Deployed Generative AI
and are 35% less likely to report that agents are overwhelmed.
Of contact centers plan to use Generative AI in the next 3-5 years.