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Break Free from Tech Paralysis

Seamless & Future Proof Contact Center Automation

Enable Contact Centers to focus on delivering exceptional customer experiences without the worry of tech stack obsolescence. 

Overcome the fear of making the wrong technology choice by engaging a flexible, scalable, and easy to integrate platform that future-proofs your operations.


Webinar: SEAMLESS and Future Proof Contact Center Automation

Thursday, October 3rd  1:00pm EST

Actionable Insights:  Learn how to overcoming workflow automation challenges. Streamline processes, reduce manual tasks, and enhance customer experiences by leveraging innovative Contact Center automation solutions.

Demo: Experience how SpiceX integrates with existing systems in real-time. Followed by a Q&A Session. 


Leading our Webinar

Industry Experts


John Hamilton


Mike Ryan

SpiceX | CEO

Chris Giardina

SpiceX | Director of Solution Engineering
Curious about how workflow automation can improve your contact center?

Put time on our calendar

Deep dive into automating the escalation process for your high-priority customer issues. Schedule a personalized consultation with MYRIAD and SpiceX to learn more about Workflow Automation in your Contact Center. 

Unable to attend? Don't miss the next one!

MYRIAD regularly hosts webinars designed to provide contact center leaders, managers, and IT professionals with actionable insights in customer experience strategy. We partner with the best Contact Center solutions on the market. If you are interested in learning more, send us an email or join our email list to be the first to receive an invitation to our next webinar. 

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